Refund & Return Policy

Since we print our products on demand we don’t have the available stock to offer returns or exchanges unless your product was damaged or misprinted. That’s why we can’t offer free returns or exchanges of our products in case you ordered the wrong size or color. 

If you believe you ordered the wrong product or changed your mind, you can cancel your order before we start delivering it to you. Please contact us at with the Subject title “Order cancellation: order number” and explain the reason for canceling. Please also attach the order and payment confirmations. If your order wasn’t already printed, we will cancel it and offer a full refund.   

If your order arrived damaged or misprinted, we will offer you a refund or provide a replacement. Please contact us at with a description of the problem. Please attach the photos of the product so we can identify the damage / misprint. We will get in touch with you and figure out the best solution. 

Please note, due to limited capacity, we will only be able to process your request for an exchange or refund within 30 days after the misprinted/damaged/defective item has been received. 

Order and delivery issues

If your order is unable to be delivered because of the wrong address or because you did not collect the package, the order will return to our facility. We will reach out to you via email, informing you about the problem and clarifying the information needed to fulfill your order. 

Please note that you’ll be required to pay extra for the reshipment. We can hold the order in our facility for 28 days free of charge. If the order is not reshipped to a new address and is not canceled, we charge extra to keep the order in the facility beyond 28 days.

If you have noticed a mistake in your delivery address or you need to change it, please contact us via email at as soon as possible. Please use the subject line “Request to change shipment address”. In this case, we can request changes before the shipment is delivered to the wrong address. 

To avoid this situation, please ensure that the city in the address matches its ZIP code. For USA addresses, you can use this USPS ZIP code lookup

Order was lost in transit. First of all, don’t panic. Sometimes the tracking system can send you a notification slightly early in order for you to anticipate the delivery of your order. Please wait 2-3 days and check in with your local post service about the delivery. If it still has not reached you, please contact us at mentioning the order number, tracking number, and the address of delivery. Please let us know no later than 30 days after the estimated delivery date.

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